All About the Book
For a long time now, a very very long time, I've only had one answer to "What are you doing these days?" and it has been "Still working...

A year of work for Education+Design
Reflecting on Jump Design's journey so far :) It's my (sad) duty to inform you that the first six months of 2022 are almost over, and...

Why I design for children
I fell in love with designing objects for children immediately after I did my first user test with a child. It was a children’s...

Baatein Magazine : MA Ed Thesis on Teen Mental Health
| Masters project at the LDT Program at Stanford GSE | ABSTRACT: India ranks second in the world for teen suicide. Yet, the topic of...

Courses Taken at Stanford
The Learning Design Technology Program at Stanford's Graduate School of Education is a 1-year long course. It is designed to initiate a...

Teaching at the Bing Nursery School
This is a journal I kept over eight weeks while teaching kindergarten students at the Bing Nursery School. Journal #1 The reason I chose...